While the purpose of the church is timeless and universal, church designs change as trends in architecture, arts, and community priority change. Design/builders and the clients they work for are tasked with the duty of staying one step ahead of what’s coming next, so that their building will be looked upon as a modern safe haven, a community center that serves the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of its people.

Adding social spaces to your worship space is going to continue to gain major strides in the world of church architecture. Whereas it used to be enough to have an alter and some pews, Sundays have become more about coming together with friends, family, and strangers to worship, socialize, and seek solace in your community. Church doors shouldn’t only be open on Sundays anymore. Incorporate space for non-religious gathering and you’ll see more and more people in seats when it really counts.

Creative stewardship is taking a major role in welcoming people from the community into the church. By bringing in new amenities, such as wifi, soup kitchens, and even adult education classes, the community will begin to think of the church as not only a space to seek spiritual comfort, but also a place to seek physical and emotional comfort. Welcoming those who need you most through your doors and helping them use resources to take charge of their life is a role that the church should take joy in, and creative architecture can help you get there.

Thoughtful use of less-expensive materials is helping churches save their budget for more important features, such as playground equipment. Keeping their materials a little “rough around the edges” gives a much needed authentic feel to a space that’s supposed to feel like home. While churches of the last few years have opted for slick lines and the masking of building materials, concrete, brick, and wood are expected to be on full display as the year progresses.

Whether you’re keeping up with the trends or prefer a more traditional approach to your worship space, Vanman Architects and Builders can help your congregation grow, learn, and find peace in your church through thoughtful architecture. Not sure how to get started? Check out our guide to hiring a Minneapolis architect.